Monday, August 8, 2011

Andorra -- Pa amb Tomaquet

The Catalan region has a recipe for TOAST. Which is good, because nobody had time to make Trinxat this week. It's called Pa amb Tomaquet (bread and tomato), and the recipe is as follows:

1. Take hunk o' bread.
2. Rub with halved garlic clove.
3. Squeeze half a tomato onto it. This is possibly the best use of tomato innards ever.
4. Salt, olive oil.
5. Toast or grill.

Forgiving, tasty, requires very little thought or effort.

Pictures to come someday. This is basically all I've cooked for myself all week, with whatever bread's around at the time. It turns out that while I could imagine myself eating Fidhe when I'm sick or tired, in practice, P&T is way, way more appealing.

Update: Photos!

Served with an almost equally lazy side salad:

Put fresh greens in a bowl.
Sprinkle with walnuts.
Put some softish cheese on it.
Black pepper.

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