Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fidhe -- Albania

A holiday tradition in Greece and Albania, the thought of egg and lemon soup intrigued me. Also, eggs are VERY cheap. I thought I'd give it a try.

Interesting. The recipe basically combines chicken broth, vermicelli, lemon juice, and egg. I'm not entirely sure that what I have is how it's supposed to taste, but it certainly LOOKS like the real thing.

When Ben made his, he combined the broth and egg at too high a temperature, and ended up making egg drop soup (sort of.) He said it looked like a very yellow storm was brewing.

The overall verdict: the combination of chicken stock and lemon is really great, and the soup's very easy. I wouldn't eat this every day, but both Ben and I agreed that it would be great to throw on when you're sick.

Ben: "I think the egg is coalescing into a treasure map. It's not a very good treasure map, though. It's just the one big X."

So, you know, be careful how you combine your eggs there.

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