Monday, July 25, 2011

Albania - Gjellë me Arra (Walnut Chicken) and friends

Sorry about the blurry photos! Everyone was hungry, and we wanted to get eating.

Albania, for a small country, has a lot of regional variation in cuisine. I went with a little of everything -- a fish dish from the coast, a chicken dish from... the north? (Albanian recipes are kind of hard to find, but I did find a general overview of ingredients used, and walnuts were mentioned, but not specified by region.) The pita bread is a bit of a stretch, but we decided that it was close enough, as Albania shares a border with Greece, and, well, we really like feta.

It would hardly be worth it to include a recipe for the salmon. It was just brushed lightly with olive oil and lightly sprinkled with salt and pepper. Albanian food is fairly lightly spiced, and spices are generally not mixed, it turns out.

Walnut chicken!

This dish never seems to look all that good, but it tasted great, so it sort of redeemed itself in the end. The sauce is thickened with roux and egg yolks, almost like a savory pudding (in the American use of the word "pudding".) Not something I've done before, and a little nerve-wracking on a night when I was planning on serving 6 or 7 people, but it turned out in the end.

Egg yolks
Crushed walnuts
Sage (My addition; it complemented the walnuts well.)
Salt to taste

If you would like to follow along, here is the recipe I used. Enjoy!


  1. Yeah, little bit, doesn't it? It tastes like, er, well, largely like butter and chicken. In a nutty gravy.
